Volunteer with us!
Michigan EMS Club frequently partners with community organizations to offer education related to CPR certifications and/or demonstrations, Stop the Bleed courses, Nalaxone (Narcan) training, etc. We work with organizations like SaveMIHeart, C.S. Mott’s Children’s Hospital, and Frankel Cardiovascular center to provide this education. In the past, we have volunteered to certify hundreds of teachers at Manchester Community Schools in the Stop the Bleed program; taught hands-only CPR and AED usage at private events, charity walks, sports games, and student organizations; and provided training on overdose identification and Narcan usage to fraternities and sororities on campus.
We are always looking for volunteers to join us at these events! We ask that you ensure that you meet the following criteria before selecting the type of event that you wish to volunteer for:
Hands-only CPR events: We ask that all CPR event volunteers hold a current American Heart Association Basic Life Support certification (AHA BLS) and feel comfortable enough with their knowledge of CPR and AED usage to teach it. There will always be a board member experienced with teaching hands-only CPR in attendance at these events with you who will be happy to guide and assist you.
Stop the Bleed: We ask that STB volunteers hold a current STB Instructor certification. If you are not yet certified and wish to be, please reach out to us at umemsclub@gmail.com and we would be happy to help you get certified as an instructor (it’s quick, easy, and free!). Please note that STB instructors must hold a healthcare provider license, such as EMT/Paramedic, MA, or CNA.
Narcan education events: The only requirement to assist with Narcan presentations is a solid understanding of drug overdoses, including identification (signs of overdose, when Narcan is needed), Narcan administration (route, dose, risks, etc), and the ability to help teach a very brief demonstration on hands-only CPR. BLS certification is recommended but not required.
*Please note that the form allows you to select as many or as few of these options as you want! If you do not meet the criteria for one or are not interested in this form of volunteering, select a different option that better suits you.*
To get involved, please fill out this Google Form.